Strict Standards: Declaration of action_plugin_redirect::register() should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register($controller) in /home/suginokareha/www/cocoa/wiki/lib/plugins/redirect/action.php on line 15

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/suginokareha/www/cocoa/wiki/lib/plugins/redirect/action.php:15) in /home/suginokareha/www/cocoa/wiki/lib/exe/js.php on line 17

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Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/suginokareha/www/cocoa/wiki/lib/plugins/redirect/action.php:15) in /home/suginokareha/www/cocoa/wiki/inc/httputils.php on line 27

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/suginokareha/www/cocoa/wiki/lib/plugins/redirect/action.php:15) in /home/suginokareha/www/cocoa/wiki/inc/httputils.php on line 28
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/* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/scripts/helpers.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /** * Differrent helper functions * * @author Ilya Lebedev * @license LGPL */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variable/property checks //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Checks if property is undefined * * @param {Object} prop value to check * @return {Boolean} true if matched * @scope public */ function isUndefined (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ { return (typeof prop == 'undefined'); } /** * Checks if property is function * * @param {Object} prop value to check * @return {Boolean} true if matched * @scope public */ function isFunction (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ { return (typeof prop == 'function'); } /** * Checks if property is string * * @param {Object} prop value to check * @return {Boolean} true if matched * @scope public */ function isString (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ { return (typeof prop == 'string'); } /** * Checks if property is number * * @param {Object} prop value to check * @return {Boolean} true if matched * @scope public */ function isNumber (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ { return (typeof prop == 'number'); } /** * Checks if property is the calculable number * * @param {Object} prop value to check * @return {Boolean} true if matched * @scope public */ function isNumeric (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ { return isNumber(prop)&&!isNaN(prop)&&isFinite(prop); } /** * Checks if property is array * * @param {Object} prop value to check * @return {Boolean} true if matched * @scope public */ function isArray (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ { return (prop instanceof Array); } /** * Checks if property is regexp * * @param {Object} prop value to check * @return {Boolean} true if matched * @scope public */ function isRegExp (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ { return (prop instanceof RegExp); } /** * Checks if property is a boolean value * * @param {Object} prop value to check * @return {Boolean} true if matched * @scope public */ function isBoolean (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ { return ('boolean' == typeof prop); } /** * Checks if property is a scalar value (value that could be used as the hash key) * * @param {Object} prop value to check * @return {Boolean} true if matched * @scope public */ function isScalar (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ { return isNumeric(prop)||isString(prop); } /** * Checks if property is empty * * @param {Object} prop value to check * @return {Boolean} true if matched * @scope public */ function isEmpty (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ { if (isBoolean(prop)) return false; if (isRegExp(prop) && new RegExp("").toString() == prop.toString()) return true; if (isString(prop) || isNumber(prop)) return !prop; if (Boolean(prop)&&false != prop) { for (var i in prop) if(prop.hasOwnProperty(i)) return false; } return true; } /** * Checks if property is derived from prototype, applies method if it is not exists * * @param string property name * @return bool true if prototyped * @access public */ if ('undefined' == typeof Object.hasOwnProperty) { Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty = function (prop) { return !('undefined' == typeof this[prop] || this.constructor && this.constructor.prototype[prop] && this[prop] === this.constructor.prototype[prop]); }; } /** * Very simplistic Flash plugin check, probably works for Flash 8 and higher only */ function hasFlash(version){ var ver = 0; try{ if(navigator.plugins != null && navigator.plugins.length > 0){ ver = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"].description.split(' ')[2].split('.')[0]; }else{ var axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"); ver = axo.GetVariable("$version").split(' ')[1].split(',')[0]; } }catch(e){ } if(ver >= version) return true; return false; } /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/scripts/helpers.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/scripts/events.js XXXXXXXXXX */ // written by Dean Edwards, 2005 // with input from Tino Zijdel // function addEvent(element, type, handler) { // assign each event handler a unique ID if (!handler.$$guid) handler.$$guid = addEvent.guid++; // create a hash table of event types for the element if (! = {}; // create a hash table of event handlers for each element/event pair var handlers =[type]; if (!handlers) { handlers =[type] = {}; // store the existing event handler (if there is one) if (element["on" + type]) { handlers[0] = element["on" + type]; } } // store the event handler in the hash table handlers[handler.$$guid] = handler; // assign a global event handler to do all the work element["on" + type] = handleEvent; }; // a counter used to create unique IDs addEvent.guid = 1; function removeEvent(element, type, handler) { // delete the event handler from the hash table if ( &&[type]) { delete[type][handler.$$guid]; } }; function handleEvent(event) { var returnValue = true; // grab the event object (IE uses a global event object) event = event || fixEvent(window.event, this); // get a reference to the hash table of event handlers var handlers =[event.type]; // execute each event handler for (var i in handlers) { if (!handlers.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; if (handlers[i].call(this, event) === false) { returnValue = false; } } return returnValue; }; function fixEvent(event, _this) { // add W3C standard event methods event.preventDefault = fixEvent.preventDefault; event.stopPropagation = fixEvent.stopPropagation; // fix target = event.srcElement; event.currentTarget = _this; // fix coords var base = (document.documentElement.scrollTop?document.documentElement:document.body); event.pageX = (typeof event.pageX !== 'undefined') ? event.pageX : event.clientX + base.scrollLeft; event.pageY = (typeof event.pageY !== 'undefined') ? event.pageY : event.clientY + base.scrollTop; return event; }; fixEvent.preventDefault = function() { this.returnValue = false; }; fixEvent.stopPropagation = function() { this.cancelBubble = true; }; /** * Pseudo event handler to be fired after the DOM was parsed or * on window load at last. * * @author based upon some code by Dean Edwards * @author Dean Edwards * @link */ window.fireoninit = function() { // quit if this function has already been called if (arguments.callee.done) return; // flag this function so we don't do the same thing twice arguments.callee.done = true; // kill the timer if (_timer) { clearInterval(_timer); _timer = null; } if (typeof window.oninit == 'function') { window.oninit(); } }; /** * Run the fireoninit function as soon as possible after * the DOM was loaded, using different methods for different * Browsers * * @author Dean Edwards * @link */ // for Mozilla if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", window.fireoninit, null); } // for Internet Explorer (using conditional comments) /*@cc_on @if (@_win32) document.write("<\/script>"); var script = document.getElementById("__ie_init"); script.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == "complete") { window.fireoninit(); // call the onload handler } }; @end @*/ // for Safari if (/WebKit/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // sniff var _timer = setInterval(function() { if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) { window.fireoninit(); // call the onload handler } }, 10); } // for other browsers window.onload = window.fireoninit; /** * This is a pseudo Event that will be fired by the fireoninit * function above. * * Use addInitEvent to bind to this event! * * @author Andreas Gohr * @see fireoninit() */ window.oninit = function(){}; /** * Bind a function to the window.init pseudo event * * @author Simon Willison * @see */ function addInitEvent(func) { var oldoninit = window.oninit; if (typeof window.oninit != 'function') { window.oninit = func; } else { window.oninit = function() { oldoninit(); func(); }; } } /** * Bind variables to a function call creating a closure * * Use this to circumvent variable scope problems when creating closures * inside a loop * * @author Adrian Lang * @link * @param functionref fnc - the function to be called * @param mixed - any arguments to be passed to the function * @returns functionref */ function bind (fnc) { var args =, 1); return function() { return fnc.apply(this, args); }; } /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/scripts/events.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/scripts/delay.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /** * Manage delayed and timed actions * * @license GPL2 ( * @author Adrian Lang */ /** * Provide a global callback for window.setTimeout * * To get a timeout for non-global functions, just call * delay.add(func, timeout). */ var timer = { _cur_id: 0, _handlers: {}, execDispatch: function (id) { timer._handlers[id](); }, add: function (func, timeout) { var id = ++timer._cur_id; timer._handlers[id] = func; return window.setTimeout('timer.execDispatch(' + id + ')', timeout); } }; /** * Provide a delayed start * * To call a function with a delay, just create a new Delay(func, timeout) and * call that object’s method “start”. */ function Delay (func, timeout) { this.func = func; if (timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; } } Delay.prototype = { func: null, timeout: 500, delTimer: function () { if (this.timer !== null) { window.clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = null; } }, start: function () { this.delTimer(); var _this = this; this.timer = timer.add(function () {; }, this.timeout); this._data = { _this: arguments[0], _params:, 2) }; }, exec: function () { this.delTimer();, this._data._params); } }; /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/scripts/delay.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/scripts/cookie.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /** * Handles the cookie used by several JavaScript functions * * Only a single cookie is written and read. You may only save * sime name-value pairs - no complex types! * * You should only use the getValue and setValue methods * * @author Andreas Gohr */ DokuCookie = { data: Array(), name: 'DOKU_PREFS', /** * Save a value to the cookie * * @author Andreas Gohr */ setValue: function(key,val){ DokuCookie.init();[key] = val; // prepare expire date var now = new Date(); DokuCookie.fixDate(now); now.setTime(now.getTime() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); //expire in a year //save the whole data array var text = ''; for(var key in{ if (! continue; text += '#'+escape(key)+'#'[key]; } DokuCookie.setCookie(,text.substr(1),now,DOKU_BASE); }, /** * Get a Value from the Cookie * * @author Andreas Gohr */ getValue: function(key){ DokuCookie.init(); return[key]; }, /** * Loads the current set cookie * * @author Andreas Gohr */ init: function(){ if( return; var text = DokuCookie.getCookie(; if(text){ var parts = text.split('#'); for(var i=0; i 0){ date.setTime(date.getTime() - skew); } } }; /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/scripts/cookie.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/scripts/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /** * Some of these scripts were taken from and were modified for DokuWiki */ /** * Some browser detection */ var clientPC = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); // Get client info var is_macos = navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Mac') != -1; var is_gecko = ((clientPC.indexOf('gecko')!=-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('spoofer')==-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('khtml') == -1) && (clientPC.indexOf('netscape/7.0')==-1)); var is_safari = ((clientPC.indexOf('applewebkit')!=-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('spoofer')==-1)); var is_khtml = (navigator.vendor == 'KDE' || ( document.childNodes && !document.all && !navigator.taintEnabled )); if (clientPC.indexOf('opera')!=-1) { var is_opera = true; var is_opera_preseven = (window.opera && !document.childNodes); var is_opera_seven = (window.opera && document.childNodes); } /** * Handy shortcut to document.getElementById * * This function was taken from the prototype library * * @link */ function $() { var elements = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var element = arguments[i]; if (typeof element == 'string') element = document.getElementById(element); if (arguments.length == 1) return element; elements.push(element); } return elements; } /** * Simple function to check if a global var is defined * * @author Kae Verens * @link */ function isset(varname){ return(typeof(window[varname])!='undefined'); } /** * Select elements by their class name * * @author Dustin Diaz * @link */ function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) { var classElements = new Array(); if ( node == null ) node = document; if ( tag == null ) tag = '*'; var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); var elsLen = els.length; var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+searchClass+"(\\s|$)"); for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) { if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) { classElements[j] = els[i]; j++; } } return classElements; } /** * Get the X offset of the top left corner of the given object * * @link */ function findPosX(object){ var curleft = 0; var obj = $(object); if (obj.offsetParent){ do { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; } while (obj = obj.offsetParent); } else if (obj.x){ curleft += obj.x; } return curleft; } //end findPosX function /** * Get the Y offset of the top left corner of the given object * * @link */ function findPosY(object){ var curtop = 0; var obj = $(object); if (obj.offsetParent){ do { curtop += obj.offsetTop; } while (obj = obj.offsetParent); } else if (obj.y){ curtop += obj.y; } return curtop; } //end findPosY function /** * Escape special chars in JavaScript * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function jsEscape(text){ var re=new RegExp("\\\\","g"); text=text.replace(re,"\\\\"); re=new RegExp("'","g"); text=text.replace(re,"\\'"); re=new RegExp('"',"g"); text=text.replace(re,'"'); re=new RegExp("\\\\\\\\n","g"); text=text.replace(re,"\\n"); return text; } /** * This function escapes some special chars * @deprecated by above function */ function escapeQuotes(text) { var re=new RegExp("'","g"); text=text.replace(re,"\\'"); re=new RegExp('"',"g"); text=text.replace(re,'"'); re=new RegExp("\\n","g"); text=text.replace(re,"\\n"); return text; } /** * Adds a node as the first childenode to the given parent * * @see appendChild() */ function prependChild(parent,element) { if(!parent.firstChild){ parent.appendChild(element); }else{ parent.insertBefore(element,parent.firstChild); } } /** * Prints a animated gif to show the search is performed * * Because we need to modify the DOM here before the document is loaded * and parsed completely we have to rely on document.write() * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function showLoadBar(){ document.write('...'); /* this does not work reliable in IE obj = $(id); if(obj){ obj.innerHTML = '...';"block"; } */ } /** * Disables the animated gif to show the search is done * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function hideLoadBar(id){ obj = $(id); if(obj)"none"; } /** * Adds the toggle switch to the TOC */ function addTocToggle() { if(!document.getElementById) return; var header = $('toc__header'); if(!header) return; var toc = $('toc__inside'); var obj = document.createElement('span'); = 'toc__toggle'; = 'pointer'; if (toc && == 'none') { obj.innerHTML = '+'; obj.className = 'toc_open'; } else { obj.innerHTML = ''; obj.className = 'toc_close'; } prependChild(header,obj); obj.parentNode.onclick = toggleToc; = 'pointer'; } /** * This toggles the visibility of the Table of Contents */ function toggleToc() { var toc = $('toc__inside'); var obj = $('toc__toggle'); if( == 'none') { = ''; obj.innerHTML = ''; obj.className = 'toc_close'; } else { = 'none'; obj.innerHTML = '+'; obj.className = 'toc_open'; } } /** * Create JavaScript mouseover popup */ function insitu_popup(target, popup_id) { // get or create the popup div var fndiv = $(popup_id); if(!fndiv){ fndiv = document.createElement('div'); = popup_id; fndiv.className = 'insitu-footnote JSpopup dokuwiki'; // autoclose on mouseout - ignoring bubbled up events addEvent(fndiv,'mouseout',function(e){ var p = e.relatedTarget || e.toElement; while (p && p !== this) { p = p.parentNode; } if (p === this) { return; } // okay, hide it'none'; }); getElementsByClass('dokuwiki', document.body, 'div')[0].appendChild(fndiv); } // position the div and make it visible = 'absolute'; = findPosX(target)+'px'; = (findPosY(target)+target.offsetHeight * 1.5) + 'px'; = ''; return fndiv; } /** * Display an insitu footnote popup * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Chris Smith */ function footnote(e){ var fndiv = insitu_popup(, 'insitu__fn'); // locate the footnote anchor element var a = $("fn__" +; if (!a){ return; } // anchor parent is the footnote container, get its innerHTML var content = new String (a.parentNode.parentNode.innerHTML); // strip the leading content anchors and their comma separators content = content.replace(/.*<\/sup>/gi, ''); content = content.replace(/^\s+(,\s+)+/,''); // prefix ids on any elements with "insitu__" to ensure they remain unique content = content.replace(/\bid=(['"])([^"']+)\1/gi,'id="insitu__$2'); // now put the content into the wrapper fndiv.innerHTML = content; } /** * Add the event handlers to footnotes * * @author Andreas Gohr */ addInitEvent(function(){ var elems = getElementsByClass('fn_top',null,'a'); for(var i=0; i * @author * @link * @link */ function setWrap(textarea, wrapAttrValue){ textarea.setAttribute('wrap', wrapAttrValue); // Fix display for mozilla var parNod = textarea.parentNode; var nxtSib = textarea.nextSibling; parNod.removeChild(textarea); parNod.insertBefore(textarea, nxtSib); } /** * Handler to close all open Popups */ function closePopups(){ if(!document.getElementById){ return; } var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div'); for(var i=0; i < divs.length; i++){ if(divs[i].className.indexOf('JSpopup') != -1){ divs[i].style.display = 'none'; } } } /** * Looks for an element with the ID scroll__here at scrolls to it */ function scrollToMarker(){ var obj = $('scroll__here'); if(obj) obj.scrollIntoView(); } /** * Looks for an element with the ID focus__this at sets focus to it */ function focusMarker(){ var obj = $('focus__this'); if(obj) obj.focus(); } /** * Remove messages */ function cleanMsgArea(){ var elems = getElementsByClass('(success|info|error)',document,'div'); if(elems){ for(var i=0; i */ addInitEvent(function(){ var revForm = $('page__revisions'); if (!revForm) return; var elems = revForm.elements; var countTicks = 0; for (var i=0; i= 2) input2.disabled = (input2.type=='checkbox' && !input2.checked); else input2.disabled = (input2.type!='checkbox'); } }); input1.checked = false; // chrome reselects on back button which messes up the logic } else if(input1.type=='submit'){ input1.disabled = true; } } }); /** * Add the event handler to the actiondropdown * * @author Andreas Gohr */ addInitEvent(function(){ var selector = $('action__selector'); if(!selector) return; addEvent(selector,'change',function(e){ this.form.submit(); }); $('action__selectorbtn').style.display = 'none'; }); /** * Display error for Windows Shares on browsers other than IE * * @author Michael Klier */ function checkWindowsShares() { if(!LANG['nosmblinks']) return true; if(document.all != null) return true; var elems = getElementsByClass('windows',document,'a'); if(elems){ for(var i=0; i */ addInitEvent(function(){ checkWindowsShares(); }); /** * Highlight the section when hovering over the appropriate section edit button * * @author Andreas Gohr */ addInitEvent(function(){ var btns = getElementsByClass('btn_secedit',document,'form'); for(var i=0; i * @author Adrian Lang */ addInitEvent(function () { var inID = 'qsearch__in'; var outID = 'qsearch__out'; var inObj = document.getElementById(inID); var outObj = document.getElementById(outID); // objects found? if (inObj === null){ return; } if (outObj === null){ return; } function clear_results(){ = 'none'; outObj.innerHTML = ''; } var sack_obj = new sack(DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php'); sack_obj.AjaxFailedAlert = ''; sack_obj.encodeURIString = false; sack_obj.onCompletion = function () { var data = sack_obj.response; if (data === '') { return; } outObj.innerHTML = data; = 'block'; }; // attach eventhandler to search field var delay = new Delay(function () { clear_results(); var value = inObj.value; if(value === ''){ return; } sack_obj.runAJAX('call=qsearch&q=' + encodeURI(value)); }); addEvent(inObj, 'keyup', function () {clear_results(); delay.start(); }); // attach eventhandler to output field addEvent(outObj, 'click', function () { = 'none'; }); }); /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/scripts/ajax.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/scripts/index.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /** * Javascript for index view * * @author Andreas Gohr */ var index = { /** * Delay in ms before showing the throbber. * Used to skip the throbber for fast AJAX calls. */ throbber_delay: 500, /** * Attach event handlers to all "folders" below the given element * * @author Andreas Gohr */ treeattach: function(obj){ if(!obj) return; var items = getElementsByClass('idx_dir',obj,'a'); for(var i=0; i * @author Ben Coburn */ toggle: function(e,clicky){ var listitem = clicky.parentNode.parentNode; = !; // represents now the action to be done // if already open, close by removing the sublist var sublists = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul'); if(!{ if (sublists.length) { sublists[0].style.display='none'; } listitem.className='closed'; e.preventDefault(); return false; } // just show if already loaded if(sublists.length &&{ sublists[0].style.display=''; listitem.className='open'; e.preventDefault(); return false; } // prepare an AJAX call to fetch the subtree var ajax = new sack(DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php'); ajax.AjaxFailedAlert = ''; ajax.encodeURIString = false; if(ajax.failed) return true; //prepare the new ul var ul = document.createElement('ul'); ul.className = 'idx'; timeout = window.setTimeout(function(){ // show the throbber as needed if ( { ul.innerHTML = '
  • loading...
  • '; listitem.appendChild(ul); listitem.className='open'; } }, this.throbber_delay); ajax.elementObj = ul; ajax.afterCompletion = function(){ window.clearTimeout(timeout); index.treeattach(ul); if (listitem.className!='open') { if (! {'none'; } listitem.appendChild(ul); if ( { listitem.className='open'; } } }; ajax.runAJAX('&call=index'); e.preventDefault(); return false; } }; addInitEvent(function(){ index.treeattach($('index__tree')); }); /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/scripts/index.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/scripts/drag.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /** * Makes a DOM object draggable * * If you just want to move objects around, use drag.attach. For full * customization, drag can be used as a javascript prototype, it is * inheritance-aware. * * @link */ var drag = { obj: null, handle: null, oX: 0, // object X position oY: 0, // object Y position eX: 0, // event X delta eY: 0, // event Y delta /** * Attaches the needed handlers to the given object * * This can be called for multiple objects, the right one is later * determined from the event itself. The handle is optional * * @param DOMObject obj The object that should be draggable * @param DOMObject handle A handle on which the obj can be dragged */ attach: function (obj,handle) { if(handle){ handle.dragobject = obj; }else{ handle = obj; } var _this = this; addEvent($(handle),'mousedown',function (e) {return _this.start(e); }); }, /** * Starts the dragging operation */ start: function (e){ this.handle =; if(this.handle.dragobject){ this.obj = this.handle.dragobject; }else{ this.obj = this.handle; } this.handle.className += ' ondrag'; this.obj.className += ' ondrag'; this.oX = parseInt(; this.oY = parseInt(; this.eX = e.pageX; this.eY = e.pageY; var _this = this; this.mousehandlers = [function (e) {return _this.drag(e);}, function (e) {return _this.stop(e);}]; addEvent(document,'mousemove', this.mousehandlers[0]); addEvent(document,'mouseup', this.mousehandlers[1]); return false; }, /** * Ends the dragging operation */ stop: function(){ this.handle.className = this.handle.className.replace(/ ?ondrag/,''); this.obj.className = this.obj.className.replace(/ ?ondrag/,''); removeEvent(document,'mousemove', this.mousehandlers[0]); removeEvent(document,'mouseup', this.mousehandlers[1]); this.obj = null; this.handle = null; }, /** * Moves the object during the dragging operation */ drag: function(e) { if(this.obj) { = (e.pageY+this.oY-this.eY+'px'); = (e.pageX+this.oX-this.eX+'px'); } } }; /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/scripts/drag.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/scripts/textselection.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /** * Text selection related functions. */ /** * selection prototype * * Object that capsulates the selection in a textarea. Returned by getSelection. * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function selection_class(){ this.start = 0; this.end = 0; this.obj = null; this.rangeCopy = null; this.scroll = 0; this.fix = 0; this.getLength = function(){ return this.end - this.start; }; this.getText = function(){ if(!this.obj) return ''; return this.obj.value.substring(this.start,this.end); }; } /** * Get current selection/cursor position in a given textArea * * @link * @author Andreas Gohr * @link * @returns object - a selection object */ function getSelection(textArea) { var sel = new selection_class(); sel.obj = textArea; sel.start = textArea.value.length; sel.end = textArea.value.length; textArea.focus(); if(document.getSelection) { // Mozilla et al. sel.start = textArea.selectionStart; sel.end = textArea.selectionEnd; sel.scroll = textArea.scrollTop; } else if(document.selection) { // MSIE /* * This huge lump of code is neccessary to work around two MSIE bugs: * * 1. Selections trim newlines at the end of the code * 2. Selections count newlines as two characters */ // The current selection sel.rangeCopy = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); if (textArea.tagName === 'INPUT') { var before_range = textArea.createTextRange(); before_range.expand('textedit'); // Selects all the text } else { var before_range = document.body.createTextRange(); before_range.moveToElementText(textArea); // Selects all the text } before_range.setEndPoint("EndToStart", sel.rangeCopy); // Moves the end where we need it var before_finished = false, selection_finished = false; var before_text, selection_text; // Load the text values we need to compare before_text = before_range.text; selection_text = sel.rangeCopy.text; sel.start = before_text.length; sel.end = sel.start + selection_text.length; // Check each range for trimmed newlines by shrinking the range by 1 character and seeing // if the text property has changed. If it has not changed then we know that IE has trimmed // a \r\n from the end. do { if (!before_finished) { if (before_range.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", before_range) == 0) { before_finished = true; } else { before_range.moveEnd("character", -1); if (before_range.text == before_text) { sel.start += 2; sel.end += 2; } else { before_finished = true; } } } if (!selection_finished) { if (sel.rangeCopy.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", sel.rangeCopy) == 0) { selection_finished = true; } else { sel.rangeCopy.moveEnd("character", -1); if (sel.rangeCopy.text == selection_text) { sel.end += 2; } else { selection_finished = true; } } } } while ((!before_finished || !selection_finished)); // count number of newlines in str to work around stupid IE selection bug var countNL = function(str) { var m = str.split("\r\n"); if (!m || !m.length) return 0; return m.length-1; }; sel.fix = countNL(sel.obj.value.substring(0,sel.start)); } return sel; } /** * Set the selection * * You need to get a selection object via getSelection() first, then modify the * start and end properties and pass it back to this function. * * @link * @author Andreas Gohr * @param object selection - a selection object as returned by getSelection() */ function setSelection(selection){ if(document.getSelection){ // FF // what a pleasure in FF ;) selection.obj.setSelectionRange(selection.start,selection.end); if(selection.scroll) selection.obj.scrollTop = selection.scroll; } else if(document.selection) { // IE selection.rangeCopy.collapse(true); selection.rangeCopy.moveStart('character',selection.start - selection.fix); selection.rangeCopy.moveEnd('character',selection.end - selection.start);; } } /** * Inserts the given text at the current cursor position or replaces the current * selection * * @author Andreas Gohr * @param string text - the new text to be pasted * @param objct selecttion - selection object returned by getSelection * @param int opts.startofs - number of charcters at the start to skip from new selection * @param int opts.endofs - number of characters at the end to skip from new selection * @param bool opts.nosel - set true if new text should not be selected */ function pasteText(selection,text,opts){ if(!opts) opts = {}; // replace the content selection.obj.value = selection.obj.value.substring(0, selection.start) + text + selection.obj.value.substring(selection.end, selection.obj.value.length); // set new selection if (is_opera) { // Opera replaces \n by \r\n when inserting text. selection.end = selection.start + text.replace(/\r?\n/g, '\r\n').length; } else { selection.end = selection.start + text.length; } // modify the new selection if wanted if(opts.startofs) selection.start += opts.startofs; if(opts.endofs) selection.end -= opts.endofs; // no selection wanted? set cursor to end position if(opts.nosel) selection.start = selection.end; setSelection(selection); } /** * Format selection * * Apply tagOpen/tagClose to selection in textarea, use sampleText instead * of selection if there is none. * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function insertTags(textAreaID, tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText){ var txtarea = $(textAreaID); var selection = getSelection(txtarea); var text = selection.getText(); var opts; // don't include trailing space in selection if(text.charAt(text.length - 1) == ' '){ selection.end--; text = selection.getText(); } if(!text){ // nothing selected, use the sample text and select it text = sampleText; opts = { startofs: tagOpen.length, endofs: tagClose.length }; }else{ // place cursor at the end opts = { nosel: true }; } // surround with tags text = tagOpen + text + tagClose; // do it pasteText(selection,text,opts); } /** * Wraps around pasteText() for backward compatibility * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function insertAtCarret(textAreaID, text){ var txtarea = $(textAreaID); var selection = getSelection(txtarea); pasteText(selection,text,{nosel: true}); } /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/scripts/textselection.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/scripts/toolbar.js XXXXXXXXXX */ // used to identify pickers var pickercounter=0; /** * Create a toolbar * * @param string tbid ID of the element where to insert the toolbar * @param string edid ID of the editor textarea * @param array tb Associative array defining the buttons * @param bool allowblock Allow buttons creating multiline content * @author Andreas Gohr */ function initToolbar(tbid,edid,tb, allowblock){ var toolbar = $(tbid); if(!toolbar) return; var edit = $(edid); if(!edit) return; if(edit.readOnly) return; if (typeof allowblock === 'undefined') { allowblock = true; } //empty the toolbar area: toolbar.innerHTML=''; var cnt = tb.length; for(var i=0; i assign it as onclick actionFunc = 'tb_'+tb[i]['type']; if( isFunction(window[actionFunc]) ){ addEvent(btn,'click', bind(window[actionFunc],btn,tb[i],edid)); toolbar.appendChild(btn); continue; } // type is a init function -> execute it actionFunc = 'addBtnAction'+tb[i]['type'].charAt(0).toUpperCase()+tb[i]['type'].substring(1); if( isFunction(window[actionFunc]) ){ if(window[actionFunc](btn, tb[i], edid)){ toolbar.appendChild(btn); } continue; } alert('unknown toolbar type: '+tb[i]['type']+' '+actionFunc); } // end for } /** * Button action for format buttons * * @param DOMElement btn Button element to add the action to * @param array props Associative array of button properties * @param string edid ID of the editor textarea * @author Gabriel Birke * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tb_format(btn, props, edid) { var sample = props['title']; if(props['sample']){ sample = props['sample']; } insertTags(edid, fixtxt(props['open']), fixtxt(props['close']), fixtxt(sample)); pickerClose(); return false; } /** * Button action for format buttons * * This works exactly as tb_format() except that, if multiple lines * are selected, each line will be formatted seperately * * @param DOMElement btn Button element to add the action to * @param array props Associative array of button properties * @param string edid ID of the editor textarea * @author Gabriel Birke * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tb_formatln(btn, props, edid) { var sample = props['title']; if(props['sample']){ sample = props['sample']; } sample = fixtxt(sample); props['open'] = fixtxt(props['open']); props['close'] = fixtxt(props['close']); // is something selected? var opts; var selection = getSelection($(edid)); if(selection.getLength()){ sample = selection.getText(); opts = {nosel: true}; }else{ opts = { startofs: props['open'].length, endofs: props['close'].length }; } sample = sample.split("\n").join(props['close']+"\n"+props['open']); sample = props['open']+sample+props['close']; pasteText(selection,sample,opts); pickerClose(); return false; } /** * Button action for insert buttons * * @param DOMElement btn Button element to add the action to * @param array props Associative array of button properties * @param string edid ID of the editor textarea * @author Gabriel Birke * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tb_insert(btn, props, edid) { insertAtCarret(edid,fixtxt(props['insert'])); pickerClose(); return false; } /** * Button action for the media popup * * @param DOMElement btn Button element to add the action to * @param array props Associative array of button properties * @param string edid ID of the editor textarea * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tb_mediapopup(btn, props, edid) { DOKU_BASE+props['url']+encodeURIComponent(NS), props['name'], props['options']); return false; } /** * Button action for automatic headlines * * Insert a new headline based on the current section level * * @param DOMElement btn Button element to add the action to * @param array props Associative array of button properties * @param string edid ID of the editor textarea * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tb_autohead(btn, props, edid){ var lvl = currentHeadlineLevel(edid); // determine new level lvl += props['mod']; if(lvl < 1) lvl = 1; if(lvl > 5) lvl = 5; var tags = '='; for(var i=0; i<=5-lvl; i++) tags += '='; insertTags(edid, tags+' ', ' '+tags+"\n", props['text']); pickerClose(); return false; } /** * Add button action for picker buttons and create picker element * * @param DOMElement btn Button element to add the action to * @param array props Associative array of button properties * @param string edid ID of the editor textarea * @return boolean If button should be appended * @author Gabriel Birke */ function addBtnActionPicker(btn, props, edid) { var pickerid = 'picker'+(pickercounter++); createPicker(pickerid, props, edid); addEvent(btn,'click',function(){ pickerToggle(pickerid,btn); return false; }); return true; } /** * Add button action for the link wizard button * * @param DOMElement btn Button element to add the action to * @param array props Associative array of button properties * @param string edid ID of the editor textarea * @return boolean If button should be appended * @author Andreas Gohr */ function addBtnActionLinkwiz(btn, props, edid) { linkwiz.init($(edid)); addEvent(btn,'click',function(){ linkwiz.toggle(); return false; }); return true; } /** * Show/Hide a previosly created picker window * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function pickerToggle(pickerid,btn){ var picker = $(pickerid); if( == '-10000px'){ var x = findPosX(btn); var y = findPosY(btn); = (x+3)+'px'; = (y+btn.offsetHeight+3)+'px'; = '0px'; = '0px'; }else{ = '-10000px'; = '-10000px'; } } /** * Close all open pickers * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function pickerClose(){ var pobjs = getElementsByClass('picker'); for(var i=0; i */ /** * Creates a toolbar button through the DOM * * Style the buttons through the toolbutton class * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function createToolButton(icon,label,key,id,classname){ var btn = document.createElement('button'); var ico = document.createElement('img'); // preapare the basic button stuff btn.className = 'toolbutton'; if(classname){ btn.className += ' '+classname; } btn.title = label; if(key){ btn.title += ' ['+key.toUpperCase()+']'; btn.accessKey = key; } // set IDs if given if(id){ = id; = id+'_ico'; } // create the icon and add it to the button if(icon.substr(0,1) == '/'){ ico.src = icon; }else{ ico.src = DOKU_BASE+'lib/images/toolbar/'+icon; } btn.appendChild(ico); return btn; } /** * Creates a picker window for inserting text * * The given list can be an associative array with text,icon pairs * or a simple list of text. Style the picker window through the picker * class or the picker buttons with the pickerbutton class. Picker * windows are appended to the body and created invisible. * * @param string id the ID to assign to the picker * @param array props the properties for the picker * @param string edid the ID of the textarea * @rteurn DOMobject the created picker * @author Andreas Gohr */ function createPicker(id,props,edid){ var icobase = props['icobase']; var list = props['list']; // create the wrapping div var picker = document.createElement('div'); picker.className = 'picker'; if(props['class']){ picker.className += ' '+props['class']; } = id; = 'absolute'; = '-10000px'; // no display:none, to keep access keys working = '-10000px'; for(var key in list){ if (!list.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; if(isNaN(key)){ // associative array -> treat as image/value pairs var btn = document.createElement('button'); btn.className = 'pickerbutton'; var ico = document.createElement('img'); if(list[key].substr(0,1) == '/'){ ico.src = list[key]; }else{ ico.src = DOKU_BASE+'lib/images/'+icobase+'/'+list[key]; } btn.title = key; btn.appendChild(ico); addEvent(btn,'click',bind(pickerInsert,key,edid)); picker.appendChild(btn); }else if(isString(list[key])){ // a list of text -> treat as text picker var btn = document.createElement('button'); btn.className = 'pickerbutton'; var txt = document.createTextNode(list[key]); btn.title = list[key]; btn.appendChild(txt); addEvent(btn,'click',bind(pickerInsert,list[key],edid)); picker.appendChild(btn); }else{ // a list of lists -> treat it as subtoolbar initToolbar(picker,edid,list); break; // all buttons handled already } } var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; body.appendChild(picker); return picker; } /** * Called by picker buttons to insert Text and close the picker again * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function pickerInsert(text,edid){ insertAtCarret(edid,text); pickerClose(); } /** * Add button action for signature button * * @param DOMElement btn Button element to add the action to * @param array props Associative array of button properties * @param string edid ID of the editor textarea * @return boolean If button should be appended * @author Gabriel Birke */ function addBtnActionSignature(btn, props, edid) { if(typeof(SIG) != 'undefined' && SIG != ''){ addEvent(btn,'click',bind(insertAtCarret,edid,SIG)); return true; } return false; } /** * Make intended formattings easier to handle * * Listens to all key inputs and handle indentions * of lists and code blocks * * Currently handles space, backspce and enter presses * * @author Andreas Gohr * @fixme handle tabs */ function keyHandler(e){ if(e.keyCode != 13 && e.keyCode != 8 && e.keyCode != 32) return; var field =; var selection = getSelection(field); if(selection.getLength()) return; //there was text selected, keep standard behavior var search = "\n"+field.value.substr(0,selection.start); var linestart = Math.max(search.lastIndexOf("\n"), search.lastIndexOf("\r")); //IE workaround search = search.substr(linestart); if(e.keyCode == 13){ // Enter // keep current indention for lists and code var match = search.match(/(\n +([\*-] ?)?)/); if(match){ var scroll = field.scrollHeight; var match2 = search.match(/^\n +[\*-]\s*$/); // Cancel list if the last item is empty (i. e. two times enter) if (match2 && field.value.substr(selection.start).match(/^($|\r?\n)/)) { field.value = field.value.substr(0, linestart) + "\n" + field.value.substr(selection.start); selection.start = linestart + 1; selection.end = linestart + 1; setSelection(selection); } else { insertAtCarret(,match[1]); } field.scrollTop += (field.scrollHeight - scroll); e.preventDefault(); // prevent enter key return false; } }else if(e.keyCode == 8){ // Backspace // unindent lists var match = search.match(/(\n +)([*-] ?)$/); if(match){ var spaces = match[1].length-1; if(spaces > 3){ // unindent one level field.value = field.value.substr(0,linestart)+ field.value.substr(linestart+2); selection.start = selection.start - 2; selection.end = selection.start; }else{ // delete list point field.value = field.value.substr(0,linestart)+ field.value.substr(selection.start); selection.start = linestart; selection.end = linestart; } setSelection(selection); e.preventDefault(); // prevent backspace return false; } }else if(e.keyCode == 32){ // Space // intend list item var match = search.match(/(\n +)([*-] )$/); if(match){ field.value = field.value.substr(0,linestart)+' '+ field.value.substr(linestart); selection.start = selection.start + 2; selection.end = selection.start; setSelection(selection); e.preventDefault(); // prevent space return false; } } } //FIXME consolidate somewhere else addInitEvent(function(){ var field = $('wiki__text'); if(!field) return; // in Firefox, keypress doesn't send the correct keycodes, // in Opera, the default of keydown can't be prevented if (is_opera) { addEvent(field,'keypress',keyHandler); } else { addEvent(field,'keydown',keyHandler); } }); /** * Determine the current section level while editing * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function currentHeadlineLevel(textboxId){ var field = $(textboxId); var selection = getSelection(field); var search = "\n"+field.value.substr(0,selection.start); var lasthl = search.lastIndexOf("\n=="); if(lasthl == -1 && field.form.prefix){ // we need to look in prefix context search = field.form.prefix.value; lasthl = search.lastIndexOf("\n=="); } search = search.substr(lasthl+1,6); if(search == '======') return 1; if(search.substr(0,5) == '=====') return 2; if(search.substr(0,4) == '====') return 3; if(search.substr(0,3) == '===') return 4; if(search.substr(0,2) == '==') return 5; return 0; } /** * global var used for not saved yet warning */ var textChanged = false; /** * Delete the draft before leaving the page */ function deleteDraft() { if (is_opera) return; // remove a possibly saved draft using ajax var dwform = $('dw__editform'); if(dwform){ var params = 'call=draftdel'; params += '&id='+encodeURIComponent(; var sackobj = new sack(DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php'); // this needs to be synchronous and GET to not be aborted upon page unload sackobj.asynchronous = false; sackobj.method = 'GET'; sackobj.AjaxFailedAlert = ''; sackobj.encodeURIString = false; sackobj.runAJAX(params); } } /** * Activate "not saved" dialog, add draft deletion to page unload, * add handlers to monitor changes * * Sets focus to the editbox as well */ addInitEvent(function (){ var editform = $('dw__editform'); if (!editform) return; var edit_text = $('wiki__text'); if(edit_text) { if(edit_text.readOnly) return; // set focus edit_text.focus(); } var checkfunc = function(){ textChanged = true; //global var summaryCheck(); }; addEvent(editform, 'change', checkfunc); addEvent(editform, 'keydown', checkfunc); window.onbeforeunload = function(){ if(textChanged) { return LANG.notsavedyet; } }; window.onunload = deleteDraft; // reset change memory var on submit addEvent($('edbtn__save'), 'click', function(){ textChanged = false; }); addEvent($('edbtn__preview'), 'click', function(){ textChanged = false; }); var summary = $('edit__summary'); addEvent(summary, 'change', summaryCheck); addEvent(summary, 'keyup', summaryCheck); if (textChanged) summaryCheck(); }); /** * Checks if a summary was entered - if not the style is changed * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function summaryCheck(){ var sum = document.getElementById('edit__summary'); if(sum.value === ''){ sum.className='missing'; }else{ sum.className='edit'; } } /** * Class managing the timer to display a warning on a expiring lock */ function locktimer_class(){ this.sack = null; this.timeout = 0; this.timerID = null; this.lasttime = null; this.msg = ''; this.pageid = ''; }; var locktimer = new locktimer_class(); locktimer.init = function(timeout,msg,draft){ // init values locktimer.timeout = timeout*1000; locktimer.msg = msg; locktimer.draft = draft; locktimer.lasttime = new Date(); if(!$('dw__editform')) return; locktimer.pageid = $('dw__editform'); if(!locktimer.pageid) return; // init ajax component locktimer.sack = new sack(DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php'); locktimer.sack.AjaxFailedAlert = ''; locktimer.sack.encodeURIString = false; locktimer.sack.onCompletion = locktimer.refreshed; // register refresh event addEvent($('dw__editform'),'keypress',function(){locktimer.refresh();}); // start timer locktimer.reset(); }; /** * (Re)start the warning timer */ locktimer.reset = function(){ locktimer.clear(); locktimer.timerID = window.setTimeout("locktimer.warning()", locktimer.timeout); }; /** * Display the warning about the expiring lock */ locktimer.warning = function(){ locktimer.clear(); alert(locktimer.msg); }; /** * Remove the current warning timer */ locktimer.clear = function(){ if(locktimer.timerID !== null){ window.clearTimeout(locktimer.timerID); locktimer.timerID = null; } }; /** * Refresh the lock via AJAX * * Called on keypresses in the edit area */ locktimer.refresh = function(){ var now = new Date(); // refresh every minute only if(now.getTime() - locktimer.lasttime.getTime() > 30*1000){ //FIXME decide on time var params = 'call=lock&id='+encodeURIComponent(locktimer.pageid); var dwform = $('dw__editform'); if(locktimer.draft && dwform.elements.wikitext){ params += '&prefix='+encodeURIComponent(dwform.elements.prefix.value); params += '&wikitext='+encodeURIComponent(dwform.elements.wikitext.value); params += '&suffix='+encodeURIComponent(dwform.elements.suffix.value); if({ params += '&date='+encodeURIComponent(; } } locktimer.sack.runAJAX(params); locktimer.lasttime = now; } }; /** * Callback. Resets the warning timer */ locktimer.refreshed = function(){ var data = this.response; var error = data.charAt(0); data = data.substring(1); $('draft__status').innerHTML=data; if(error != '1') return; // locking failed locktimer.reset(); }; // end of locktimer class functions /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/scripts/edit.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/scripts/linkwiz.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /** * The Link Wizard * * @author Andreas Gohr */ var linkwiz = { wiz: null, entry: null, result: null, timer: null, sack: null, textArea: null, selected: -1, selection: null, /** * Initialize the linkwizard by creating the needed HTML * and attaching the eventhandlers */ init: function(textArea){ // prepare AJAX object linkwiz.sack = new sack(DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php'); linkwiz.sack.AjaxFailedAlert = ''; linkwiz.sack.encodeURIString = false; // create HTML Structure linkwiz.wiz = document.createElement('div'); = 'link__wiz'; linkwiz.wiz.className = 'picker'; = (findPosY(textArea)+20)+'px'; = (findPosX(textArea)+80)+'px'; = '-10000px'; = '-10000px'; linkwiz.wiz.innerHTML = ''+ '
    '+ ''; $('dw__editform').parentNode.appendChild(linkwiz.wiz); linkwiz.textArea = textArea; linkwiz.result = $('link__wiz_result'); linkwiz.entry = $('link__wiz_entry'); // attach event handlers var obj; obj = $('link__wiz_close'); obj.onclick = linkwiz.hide; linkwiz.sack.elementObj = linkwiz.result; addEvent(linkwiz.entry,'keyup',linkwiz.onEntry); addEvent(linkwiz.result,'click',linkwiz.onResultClick); drag.attach(linkwiz.wiz,$('link__wiz_header')); }, /** * handle all keyup events in the entry field */ onEntry: function(e){ if(e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39){ //left/right return true; //ignore } if(e.keyCode == 27){ linkwiz.hide(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } if(e.keyCode == 38){ //Up -1); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } if(e.keyCode == 40){ //Down +1); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } if(e.keyCode == 13){ //Enter if(linkwiz.selected > -1){ var obj = linkwiz.getResult(linkwiz.selected); if(obj){ var a = obj.getElementsByTagName('A')[0]; linkwiz.resultClick(a); } }else if(linkwiz.entry.value){ linkwiz.insertLink(linkwiz.entry.value); } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } linkwiz.autocomplete(); }, /** * Get one of the result by index * * @param int result div to return * @returns DOMObject or null */ getResult: function(num){ var obj; var childs = linkwiz.result.getElementsByTagName('DIV'); obj = childs[num]; if(obj){ return obj; }else{ return null; } }, /** * Select the given result */ select: function(num){ if(num < 0){ linkwiz.deselect(); return; } var obj = linkwiz.getResult(num); if(obj){ linkwiz.deselect(); obj.className += ' selected'; // make sure the item is viewable in the scroll view // FIXME check IE compatibility if(obj.offsetTop > linkwiz.result.scrollTop + linkwiz.result.clientHeight){ linkwiz.result.scrollTop += obj.clientHeight; }else if(obj.offsetTop - linkwiz.result.clientHeight < linkwiz.result.scrollTop){ // this works but isn't quite right, fixes welcome linkwiz.result.scrollTop -= obj.clientHeight; } // now recheck - if still not in view, the user used the mouse to scroll if( (obj.offsetTop > linkwiz.result.scrollTop + linkwiz.result.clientHeight) || (obj.offsetTop < linkwiz.result.scrollTop) ){ obj.scrollIntoView(); } linkwiz.selected = num; } }, /** * deselect a result if any is selected */ deselect: function(){ if(linkwiz.selected > -1){ var obj = linkwiz.getResult(linkwiz.selected); if(obj){ obj.className = obj.className.replace(/ ?selected/,''); } } linkwiz.selected = -1; }, /** * Handle clicks in the result set an dispatch them to * resultClick() */ onResultClick: function(e){ if( != 'A') return; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); linkwiz.resultClick(; return false; }, /** * Handles the "click" on a given result anchor */ resultClick: function(a){ var id = a.title; if(id == '' || id.substr(id.length-1) == ':'){ linkwiz.entry.value = id; linkwiz.autocomplete_exec(); }else{ linkwiz.entry.value = id; if(a.nextSibling && a.nextSibling.tagName == 'SPAN'){ linkwiz.insertLink(a.nextSibling.innerHTML); }else{ linkwiz.insertLink(''); } } }, /** * Insert the id currently in the entry box to the textarea, * replacing the current selection or at the curso postion. * When no selection is available the given title will be used * as link title instead */ insertLink: function(title){ if(!linkwiz.entry.value) return; var sel = getSelection(linkwiz.textArea); if(sel.start == 0 && sel.end == 0) sel = linkwiz.selection; var stxt = sel.getText(); // don't include trailing space in selection if(stxt.charAt(stxt.length - 1) == ' '){ sel.end--; stxt = sel.getText(); } if(!stxt && !DOKU_UHC) stxt=title; // prepend colon inside namespaces for non namespace pages if(linkwiz.textArea.form['id'].value.indexOf(':') != -1 && linkwiz.entry.value.indexOf(':') == -1){ linkwiz.entry.value = ':'+linkwiz.entry.value; } var link = '[['+linkwiz.entry.value+'|'; if(stxt) link += stxt; link += ']]'; var so = linkwiz.entry.value.length+3; var eo = 2; pasteText(sel,link,{startofs: so, endofs: eo}); linkwiz.hide(); // reset the entry to the parent namespace and remove : at the beginning linkwiz.entry.value = linkwiz.entry.value.replace(/(^:)?[^:]*$/, ''); }, /** * Start the page/namespace lookup timer * * Calls autocomplete_exec when the timer runs out */ autocomplete: function(){ if(linkwiz.timer !== null){ window.clearTimeout(linkwiz.timer); linkwiz.timer = null; } linkwiz.timer = window.setTimeout(linkwiz.autocomplete_exec,350); }, /** * Executes the AJAX call for the page/namespace lookup */ autocomplete_exec: function(){ linkwiz.deselect(); linkwiz.result.innerHTML = ''; linkwiz.sack.runAJAX('call=linkwiz&q='+encodeURI(linkwiz.entry.value)); }, /** * Clears the result area */ clear: function(){ linkwiz.result.innerHTML = 'Search for a matching page name above, or browse through the pages on the right'; linkwiz.entry.value = ''; }, /** * Show the linkwizard */ show: function(){ linkwiz.selection = getSelection(linkwiz.textArea); = '0px'; = '0px'; linkwiz.entry.focus(); linkwiz.autocomplete(); }, /** * Hide the link wizard */ hide: function(){ = '-10000px'; = '-10000px'; linkwiz.textArea.focus(); }, /** * Toggle the link wizard */ toggle: function(){ if( == '-10000px'){; }else{ linkwiz.hide(); } } }; /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/scripts/linkwiz.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/scripts/media.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /** * JavaScript functionality for the media management popup * * @author Andreas Gohr */ var media_manager = { keepopen: false, hide: false, align: false, popup: false, id: false, display: false, link: false, size: false, ext: false, /** * Attach event handlers to all "folders" below the given element * * @author Andreas Gohr */ treeattach: function(obj){ if(!obj) return; var items = obj.getElementsByTagName('li'); for(var i=0; i */ selectorattach: function(obj){ if(!obj) return; var items = getElementsByClass('select',obj,'a'); for(var i=0; i */ confirmattach: function(obj){ if(!obj) return; items = getElementsByClass('btn_media_delete',obj,'a'); for(var i=0; i */ attachoptions: function(obj){ if(!obj) return; // keep open if(opener){ var kobox = document.createElement('input'); kobox.type = 'checkbox'; = 'media__keepopen'; if(DokuCookie.getValue('keepopen')){ kobox.checked = true; kobox.defaultChecked = true; //IE wants this media_manager.keepopen = true; } addEvent(kobox,'click',function(event){ return media_manager.togglekeepopen(event,this); }); var kolbl = document.createElement('label'); kolbl.htmlFor = 'media__keepopen'; kolbl.innerHTML = LANG['keepopen']; var kobr = document.createElement('br'); obj.appendChild(kobox); obj.appendChild(kolbl); obj.appendChild(kobr); } // hide details var hdbox = document.createElement('input'); hdbox.type = 'checkbox'; = 'media__hide'; if(DokuCookie.getValue('hide')){ hdbox.checked = true; hdbox.defaultChecked = true; //IE wants this media_manager.hide = true; } addEvent(hdbox,'click',function(event){ return media_manager.togglehide(event,this); }); var hdlbl = document.createElement('label'); hdlbl.htmlFor = 'media__hide'; hdlbl.innerHTML = LANG['hidedetails']; var hdbr = document.createElement('br'); obj.appendChild(hdbox); obj.appendChild(hdlbl); obj.appendChild(hdbr); media_manager.updatehide(); }, /** * Toggles the keep open state * * @author Andreas Gohr */ togglekeepopen: function(event,cb){ if(cb.checked){ DokuCookie.setValue('keepopen',1); media_manager.keepopen = true; }else{ DokuCookie.setValue('keepopen',''); media_manager.keepopen = false; } }, /** * Toggles the hide details state * * @author Andreas Gohr */ togglehide: function(event,cb){ if(cb.checked){ DokuCookie.setValue('hide',1); media_manager.hide = true; }else{ DokuCookie.setValue('hide',''); media_manager.hide = false; } media_manager.updatehide(); }, /** * Sets the visibility of the image details accordingly to the * chosen hide state * * @author Andreas Gohr */ updatehide: function(){ var obj = $('media__content'); if(!obj) return; var details = getElementsByClass('detail',obj,'div'); for(var i=0; i */ initpopup: function() { media_manager.popup = document.createElement('div'); media_manager.popup.setAttribute('id','media__popup'); var root = document.getElementById('media__manager'); if (root == null) return; root.appendChild(media_manager.popup); var headline = document.createElement('h1'); headline.innerHTML = LANG.mediatitle; var headlineimg = document.createElement('img'); headlineimg.src = DOKU_BASE + 'lib/images/close.png'; = 'media__closeimg'; addEvent(headlineimg,'click',function(event){ return media_manager.closePopup(event,this); }); headline.insertBefore(headlineimg, headline.firstChild); media_manager.popup.appendChild(headline); drag.attach(media_manager.popup,headline); // link var linkp = document.createElement('p'); = "media__linkstyle"; if (media_manager.display == "2") { = "none"; } var linkl = document.createElement('label'); linkl.innerHTML = LANG.mediatarget; linkp.appendChild(linkl); var linkbtns = ['lnk', 'direct', 'nolnk', 'displaylnk']; for (var i = 0 ; i < linkbtns.length ; ++i) { var linkbtn = document.createElement('button'); linkbtn.className = 'button'; linkbtn.value = i + 1; = "media__linkbtn" + (i + 1); linkbtn.title = LANG['media' + linkbtns[i]]; = 'outset'; addEvent(linkbtn,'click',function(event){ return media_manager.setlink(event,this); }); var linkimg = document.createElement('img'); linkimg.src = DOKU_BASE + 'lib/images/media_link_' + linkbtns[i] + '.png'; linkbtn.appendChild(linkimg); linkp.appendChild(linkbtn); } media_manager.popup.appendChild(linkp); // align var alignp = document.createElement('p'); var alignl = document.createElement('label'); alignp.appendChild(alignl); = 'media__align'; if (media_manager.display == "2") { = "none"; } alignl.innerHTML = LANG['mediaalign']; var alignbtns = ['noalign', 'left', 'center', 'right']; for (var n = 0 ; n < alignbtns.length ; ++n) { var alignbtn = document.createElement('button'); var alignimg = document.createElement('img'); alignimg.src = DOKU_BASE + 'lib/images/media_align_' + alignbtns[n] + '.png'; = "media__alignbtn" + n; alignbtn.value = n; alignbtn.title = LANG['media' + alignbtns[n]]; alignbtn.className = 'button'; alignbtn.appendChild(alignimg); = 'outset'; addEvent(alignbtn,'click',function(event){ return media_manager.setalign(event,this); }); alignp.appendChild(alignbtn); } media_manager.popup.appendChild(alignp); // size var sizep = document.createElement('p'); var sizel = document.createElement('label'); = 'media__size'; if (media_manager.display == "2") { = "none"; } sizep.appendChild(sizel); sizel.innerHTML = LANG['mediasize']; var sizebtns = ['small', 'medium', 'large', 'original']; for (var size = 0 ; size < sizebtns.length ; ++size) { var sizebtn = document.createElement('button'); var sizeimg = document.createElement('img'); sizep.appendChild(sizebtn); sizeimg.src = DOKU_BASE + 'lib/images/media_size_' + sizebtns[size] + '.png'; sizebtn.className = 'button'; sizebtn.appendChild(sizeimg); sizebtn.value = size + 1; = 'media__sizebtn' + (size + 1); sizebtn.title = LANG['media' + sizebtns[size]]; = 'outset'; addEvent(sizebtn,'click',function(event){ return media_manager.setsize(event,this); }); } media_manager.popup.appendChild(sizep); // send and close button var btnp = document.createElement('p'); media_manager.popup.appendChild(btnp); btnp.setAttribute('class','btnlbl'); var btn = document.createElement('input'); btn.type = 'button'; = 'media__sendbtn'; btn.setAttribute('class','button'); btn.value = LANG['mediainsert']; btnp.appendChild(btn); addEvent(btn,'click',function(event){ return media_manager.insert(event); }); }, /** * Insert the clicked image into the opener's textarea * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Dominik Eckelmann */ insert: function(event){ var id =; // set syntax options $('media__popup').style.display = 'none'; var opts = ''; var optsstart = ''; var alignleft = ''; var alignright = ''; if (media_manager.ext == 'img' || media_manager.ext == 'swf') { if ( == '4') { opts = '?linkonly'; } else { if ( == "3" && media_manager.ext == 'img') { opts = '?nolink'; optsstart = true; } else if ( == "2" && media_manager.ext == 'img') { opts = '?direct'; optsstart = true; } var s = parseInt(media_manager.size); if (s && s >= 1) { opts += (optsstart)?'&':'?'; if (s=="1") { opts += '100'; if (media_manager.ext == 'swf') { opts += 'x62'; } } else if (s=="2") { opts += '200'; if (media_manager.ext == 'swf') { opts += 'x123'; } } else if (s=="3"){ opts += '300'; if (media_manager.ext == 'swf') { opts += 'x185'; } } } if (media_manager.align == '1') { alignleft = ''; alignright = ' '; } if (media_manager.align == '2') { alignleft = ' '; alignright = ' '; } if (media_manager.align == '3') { alignleft = ' '; alignright = ''; } } } opener.insertTags('wiki__text','{{'+alignleft+id+opts+alignright+'|','}}',''); if(!media_manager.keepopen) window.close(); opener.focus(); return false; }, /** * list the content of a namespace using AJAX * * @author Andreas Gohr */ list: function(event,link){ // prepare an AJAX call to fetch the subtree var ajax = new sack(DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php'); ajax.AjaxFailedAlert = ''; ajax.encodeURIString = false; if(ajax.failed) return true; cleanMsgArea(); var content = $('media__content'); content.innerHTML = '...'; ajax.elementObj = content; ajax.afterCompletion = function(){ media_manager.selectorattach(content); media_manager.confirmattach(content); media_manager.updatehide(); media_manager.initFlashUpload(); }; ajax.runAJAX('&call=medialist'); return false; }, /** * Open or close a subtree using AJAX * * @author Andreas Gohr */ toggle: function(event,clicky){ var listitem = clicky.parentNode; // if already open, close by removing the sublist var sublists = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul'); if(sublists.length){ listitem.removeChild(sublists[0]); clicky.src = DOKU_BASE+'lib/images/plus.gif'; return false; } // get the enclosed link (is always the first one) var link = listitem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; // prepare an AJAX call to fetch the subtree var ajax = new sack(DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php'); ajax.AjaxFailedAlert = ''; ajax.encodeURIString = false; if(ajax.failed) return true; //prepare the new ul var ul = document.createElement('ul'); //fixme add classname here listitem.appendChild(ul); ajax.elementObj = ul; ajax.afterCompletion = function(){ media_manager.treeattach(ul); }; ajax.runAJAX('&call=medians'); clicky.src = DOKU_BASE+'lib/images/minus.gif'; return false; }, /** * Prefills the wikiname. * * @author Andreas Gohr */ suggest: function(){ var file = $('upload__file'); var name = $('upload__name'); if(!file || !name) return; var text = file.value; text = text.substr(text.lastIndexOf('/')+1); text = text.substr(text.lastIndexOf('\\')+1); name.value = text; }, initFlashUpload: function(){ if(!hasFlash(8)) return; var oform = $('dw__upload'); var oflash = $('dw__flashupload'); if(!oform || !oflash) return; var clicky = document.createElement('img'); clicky.src = DOKU_BASE+'lib/images/multiupload.png'; clicky.title = LANG['mu_btn']; clicky.alt = LANG['mu_btn']; = 'pointer'; clicky.onclick = function(){ = 'none'; = ''; }; oform.appendChild(clicky); }, /** * closes the link type popup */ closePopup: function(event) { $('media__popup').style.display = 'none'; }, /** * set the align * * @author Dominik Eckelmann */ setalign: function(event,cb){ if(cb.value){ DokuCookie.setValue('align',cb.value); media_manager.align = cb.value; media_manager.outSet("media__alignbtn0"); media_manager.outSet("media__alignbtn1"); media_manager.outSet("media__alignbtn2"); media_manager.outSet("media__alignbtn3"); media_manager.inSet("media__alignbtn"+cb.value); }else{ DokuCookie.setValue('align',''); media_manager.align = false; } }, /** * set the link type * * @author Dominik Eckelmann */ setlink: function(event,cb){ if(cb.value){ DokuCookie.setValue('link',cb.value); = cb.value; media_manager.outSet("media__linkbtn1"); media_manager.outSet("media__linkbtn2"); media_manager.outSet("media__linkbtn3"); media_manager.outSet("media__linkbtn4"); media_manager.inSet("media__linkbtn"+cb.value); var size = document.getElementById("media__size"); var align = document.getElementById("media__align"); if (cb.value != '4') { = "block"; = "block"; } else { = "none"; = "none"; } }else{ DokuCookie.setValue('link',''); = false; } }, /** * set the display type * * @author Dominik Eckelmann */ setdisplay: function(event,cb){ if(cb.value){ DokuCookie.setValue('display',cb.value); media_manager.display = cb.value; media_manager.outSet("media__displaybtn1"); media_manager.outSet("media__displaybtn2"); media_manager.inSet("media__displaybtn"+cb.value); }else{ DokuCookie.setValue('display',''); media_manager.align = false; } }, /** * sets the border to outset */ outSet: function(id) { var ele = document.getElementById(id); if (ele == null) return; = "outset"; }, /** * sets the border to inset */ inSet: function(id) { var ele = document.getElementById(id); if (ele == null) return; = "inset"; }, /** * set the image size * * @author Dominik Eckelmann */ setsize: function(event,cb){ if (cb.value) { DokuCookie.setValue('size',cb.value); media_manager.size = cb.value; for (var i = 1 ; i <= 4 ; ++i) { media_manager.outSet("media__sizebtn" + i); } media_manager.inSet("media__sizebtn"+cb.value); } else { DokuCookie.setValue('size',''); media_manager.width = false; } } }; addInitEvent(function(){ media_manager.treeattach($('media__tree')); media_manager.selectorattach($('media__content')); media_manager.confirmattach($('media__content')); media_manager.attachoptions($('media__opts')); media_manager.initpopup(); media_manager.initFlashUpload(); }); /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/scripts/media.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/scripts/subscriptions.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /** * Hide list subscription style if target is a page * * @author Adrian Lang */ addInitEvent(function () { var form = $('subscribe__form'); if (!form) { return; } var styleradios = {}; function update_state() { if (!this.checked) { return; } if (this.value.match(/:$/)) { = ''; } else { = 'none'; if (styleradios.list.checked) { styleradios.digest.checked = 'checked'; } } } var cur_sel = null; var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length ; ++i) { switch (inputs[i].name) { case 'sub_target': addEvent(inputs[i], 'click', update_state); if (inputs[i].checked) { cur_sel = inputs[i]; } break; case 'sub_style': styleradios[inputs[i].value] = inputs[i]; break; } }; }); /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/scripts/subscriptions.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/scripts/hotkeys.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /** * Some of these scripts were taken from TinyMCE ( and were modified for DokuWiki * * Class handles accesskeys using javascript and also provides ability * to register and use other hotkeys as well. * * @author Marek Sacha */ function Hotkeys() { this.shortcuts = new Array(); /** * Set modifier keys, for instance: * this.modifier = 'ctrl'; * this.modifier = 'ctrl+shift'; * this.modifier = 'ctrl+alt+shift'; * this.modifier = 'alt'; * this.modifier = 'alt+shift'; * * overwritten in intitialize (see below) */ this.modifier = 'ctrl+alt'; /** * Initialization * * This function looks up all the accesskeys used in the current page * (at anchor elements and input elements [type="submit"]) and registers * appropriate shortcuts. * * Secondly, initialization registers listeners on document to catch all * keyboard events. * * @author Marek Sacha */ this.initialize = function() { var t = this; //switch modifier key based on OS FS#1958 if(is_macos){ t.modifier = 'ctrl+alt'; }else{ t.modifier = 'alt'; } /** * Lookup all anchors with accesskey and register event - go to anchor * target. */ var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); t.each(anchors, function(a) { if (a.accessKey != "") { t.addShortcut(t.modifier + '+' + a.accessKey, function() {; }); a.accessKey = ''; } }); /** * Lookup all input [type="submit"] with accesskey and register event - * perform "click" on a button. */ var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); t.each(inputs, function(i) { if (i.type == "submit" && i.accessKey != "") { t.addShortcut(t.modifier + '+' + i.accessKey, function() {; }); i.accessKey = ''; } }); /** * Lookup all buttons with accesskey and register event - * perform "click" on a button. */ var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName("button"); t.each(buttons, function(b) { if (b.accessKey != "") { t.addShortcut(t.modifier + '+' + b.accessKey, function() {; }); b.accessKey = ''; } }); /** * Register listeners on document to catch keyboard events. */ addEvent(document,'keyup',function (e) { return,e); }); addEvent(document,'keypress',function (e) { return,e); }); addEvent(document,'keydown',function (e) { return,e); }); }; /** * Keyup processing function * Function returns true if keyboard event has registered handler, and * executes the handler function. * * @param e KeyboardEvent * @author Marek Sacha * @return b boolean */ this.onkeyup = function(e) { var t = this; var v = t.findShortcut(e); if (v != null && v != false) {; return false; } return true; }; /** * Keydown processing function * Function returns true if keyboard event has registered handler * * @param e KeyboardEvent * @author Marek Sacha * @return b boolean */ this.onkeydown = function(e) { var t = this; var v = t.findShortcut(e); if (v != null && v != false) { return false; } return true; }; /** * Keypress processing function * Function returns true if keyboard event has registered handler * * @param e KeyboardEvent * @author Marek Sacha * @return b */ this.onkeypress = function(e) { var t = this; var v = t.findShortcut(e); if (v != null && v != false) { return false; } return true; }; /** * Register new shortcut * * This function registers new shortcuts, each shortcut is defined by its * modifier keys and a key (with + as delimiter). If shortcut is pressed * cmd_function is performed. * * For example: * pa = "ctrl+alt+p"; * pa = "shift+alt+s"; * * Full example of method usage: * hotkeys.addShortcut('ctrl+s',function() { * document.getElementByID('form_1').submit(); * }); * * @param pa String description of the shortcut (ctrl+a, ctrl+shift+p, .. ) * @param cmd_func Function to be called if shortcut is pressed * @author Marek Sacha */ this.addShortcut = function(pa, cmd_func) { var t = this; var o = { func : cmd_func, alt : false, ctrl : false, shift : false }; t.each(t.explode(pa, '+'), function(v) { switch (v) { case 'alt': case 'ctrl': case 'shift': o[v] = true; break; default: o.charCode = v.charCodeAt(0); o.keyCode = v.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0); } }); t.shortcuts.push((o.ctrl ? 'ctrl' : '') + ',' + (o.alt ? 'alt' : '') + ',' + (o.shift ? 'shift' : '') + ',' + o.keyCode, o); return true; }; /** * @property isMac */ this.isMac = is_macos; /** * Apply function cb on each element of o in the namespace of s * @param o Array of objects * @param cb Function to be called on each object * @param s Namespace to be used during call of cb (default namespace is o) * @author Marek Sacha */ this.each = function(o, cb, s) { var n, l; if (!o) return 0; s = s || o; if (o.length !== undefined) { // Indexed arrays, needed for Safari for (n=0, l = o.length; n < l; n++) { if (, o[n], n, o) === false) return 0; } } else { // Hashtables for (n in o) { if (o.hasOwnProperty(n)) { if (, o[n], n, o) === false) return 0; } } } return 1; }; /** * Explode string according to delimiter * @param s String * @param d Delimiter (default ',') * @author Marek Sacha * @return a Array of tokens */ this.explode = function(s, d) { return s.split(d || ','); }; /** * Find if the shortcut was registered * * @param e KeyboardEvent * @author Marek Sacha * @return v Shortcut structure or null if not found */ this.findShortcut = function (e) { var t = this; var v = null; /* No modifier key used - shortcut does not exist */ if (!e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey) { return v; } t.each(t.shortcuts, function(o) { if (o.ctrl != e.ctrlKey) return; if (o.alt != e.altKey) return; if (o.shift != e.shiftKey) return; if (e.keyCode == o.keyCode || (e.charCode && e.charCode == o.charCode)) { v = o; return; } }); return v; }; } /** * Init function for hotkeys. Called from js.php, to ensure hotkyes are initialized after toolbar. * Call of addInitEvent(initializeHotkeys) is unnecessary now. * * @author Marek Sacha */ function initializeHotkeys() { var hotkeys = new Hotkeys(); hotkeys.initialize(); } /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/scripts/hotkeys.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/tpl/default/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/tpl/default/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/plugins/acl/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ acl = { init: function(){ this.ctl = $('acl_manager'); if(!this.ctl) return; var sel = $('acl__user').getElementsByTagName('select')[0]; addEvent(sel,'change',acl.userselhandler); addEvent($('acl__tree'),'click',acl.treehandler); addEvent($('acl__user').getElementsByTagName('input')[1],'click',acl.loadinfo); }, /** * Handle user dropdown */ userselhandler: function(e){ // make entry field visible/invisible if(this.value == '__g__' || this.value == '__u__'){ $('acl__user').getElementsByTagName('input')[0].style.display = ''; //acl_w $('acl__user').getElementsByTagName('input')[1].style.display = ''; //submit }else{ $('acl__user').getElementsByTagName('input')[0].style.display = 'none'; $('acl__user').getElementsByTagName('input')[1].style.display = 'none'; } acl.loadinfo(); }, /** * Load the current permission info and edit form * * @param frm - Form element with needed data */ loadinfo: function(){ // get form var frm = $('acl__detail').getElementsByTagName('form')[0]; // prepare an AJAX call var ajax = new sack(DOKU_BASE + 'lib/plugins/acl/ajax.php'); ajax.AjaxFailedAlert = ''; ajax.encodeURIString = false; if(ajax.failed) return true; // prepare data var data = Array(); data[0] = ajax.encVar('ns',frm.elements['ns'].value); data[1] = ajax.encVar('id',frm.elements['id'].value); data[2] = ajax.encVar('acl_t',frm.elements['acl_t'].value); data[3] = ajax.encVar('acl_w',frm.elements['acl_w'].value); data[4] = ajax.encVar('sectok',frm.elements['sectok'].value); data[5] = ajax.encVar('ajax','info'); ajax.elementObj = $('acl__info'); ajax.runAJAX(data.join('&')); return false; }, /** * parse URL attributes into a associative array * * @todo put into global script lib? */ parseatt: function(str){ if(str[0] == '?') str = str.substr(1); var attributes = {}; var all = str.split('&'); for(var i=0; i/g,">"); return str; }, /** * Open or close a subtree using AJAX * * @author Andreas Gohr */ treetoggle: function(clicky){ var listitem = clicky.parentNode.parentNode; // if already open, close by removing the sublist var sublists = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul'); if(sublists.length){ listitem.removeChild(sublists[0]); clicky.src = DOKU_BASE+'lib/images/plus.gif'; clicky.alt = '+'; return false; } // get the enclosed link (is always the first one) var link = listitem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; // prepare an AJAX call to fetch the subtree var ajax = new sack(DOKU_BASE + 'lib/plugins/acl/ajax.php'); ajax.AjaxFailedAlert = ''; ajax.encodeURIString = false; if(ajax.failed) return true; //prepare the new ul var ul = document.createElement('ul'); listitem.appendChild(ul); ajax.elementObj = ul; ajax.setVar('ajax', 'tree'); var frm = $('acl__detail').getElementsByTagName('form')[0]; ajax.setVar('current_ns', encodeURIComponent(frm.elements['ns'].value)); ajax.setVar('current_id', encodeURIComponent(frm.elements['id'].value)); ajax.runAJAX(; clicky.src = DOKU_BASE+'lib/images/minus.gif'; return false; }, /** * Handles all clicks in the tree, dispatching the right action based on the * clicked element */ treehandler: function(e){ if({ // is it an image? acl.treetoggle(; } else if({ // is it a link? // remove highlighting var obj = getElementsByClass('cur',$('acl__tree'),'a'); for(var i=0; i -1){ frm.elements['ns'].value = ''; frm.elements['id'].value = acl.hsc(acl.parseatt(['id']); }else if( > -1){ frm.elements['ns'].value = acl.hsc(acl.parseatt(['ns']); frm.elements['id'].value = ''; } acl.loadinfo(); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return false; } }; addInitEvent(acl.init); /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/plugins/acl/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/plugins/box/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/plugins/box/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/plugins/complex_lists/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/plugins/complex_lists/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/plugins/config/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/plugins/config/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/plugins/info/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/plugins/info/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/plugins/note/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/plugins/note/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/plugins/pagemove/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/plugins/pagemove/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/plugins/plugin/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/plugins/plugin/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/plugins/revert/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/plugins/revert/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/plugins/tmp/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/plugins/tmp/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/plugins/usermanager/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /** * Add JavaScript confirmation to the User Delete button */ function usrmgr_delconfirm(){ if($('usrmgr__del')){ addEvent( $('usrmgr__del'),'click',function(){ return confirm(reallyDel); } ); } }; addInitEvent(usrmgr_delconfirm); /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/plugins/usermanager/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of lib/plugins/redirect/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX end of lib/plugins/redirect/script.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX begin of conf/userscript.js XXXXXXXXXX */ /* XXXXXXXXXX end of conf/userscript.js XXXXXXXXXX */ addInitEvent(function(){ addEvent(document,'click',closePopups); }); addInitEvent(function(){ addTocToggle(); }); addInitEvent(function(){ initSizeCtl('size__ctl','wiki__text'); }); addInitEvent(function(){ initToolbar('tool__bar','wiki__text',toolbar); }); addInitEvent(function(){ locktimer.init(840,'編集中の文書はロック期限を過ぎようとしています。このままロックする場合は、一度文書の確認を行って期限をリセットしてください。',1); }); addInitEvent(function(){ scrollToMarker(); }); addInitEvent(function(){ focusMarker(); }); addInitEvent(function(){ initializeHotkeys(); });