




ひょんな事から「UNIX USER」と、4つくらいのディストリビューションが収録されていたLinux雑誌を買ってしまい、PCにインストールしてみた。当時最新鋭だったGeForce 256 with DDRを積んだうちのマシンでは、丁度リリースされたばかりのXFree86 4.0でなければXが動かなかった。この時収録されていたOSで、XFree86が4.0だったのはFreeBSDだけだった。この件で俺の“FreeBSD命”が確固たるものになる(ww


大学に入り、Windows XPにSP2を入れたら起動しなくなり、それにブチ切れた俺はMac OS Xに走った。余ったマシンにFreeBSDを入れ、サーバにしたりした。そして、今に至る……と。








Nitroethane is an organic compound with the chemical formula C2H5NO2. It is an oily liquid at normal temperature and pressure, and pure nitroethane predisposed colorless with a fruity odor.

Uses besides Reactions https://mytodayhealthtips.com/bmk-glycidate-deciphering-the-chemical-intricacies-of-a-key-intermediate-in-organic-synthesis

Chemical Reactions: Nitroethane can undergo <a href=https://mytodayhealthtips.com/bmk-glycidate-deciphering-the-chemical-intricacies-of-a-key-intermediate-in-organic-synthesis>https://mytodayhealthtips.com/bmk-glycidate-deciphering-the-chemical-intricacies-of-a-key-intermediate-in-organic-synthesis</a> the different condensations, this as the Henry reaction, in order convert into several compounds of commercial passion. For example, condensation with 3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde yields the precursor in order the antihypertensive drug methyldopa, in all of this condensation with unsubstituted benzaldehyde yields phenyl-2-nitropropene, all precursor for amphetamine drugs. Fuel Additive besides Rocket Propellants: Nitroethane predisposed buvshego used as all fuel additive besides a precursor in order to rocket propellants, showcasing its versatility in different applications.

Physical besides Chemical Properties

Physical Description: It is <a href=https://cabinet-dentaire-djerba.com/nitroethane-unlocking-the-chemical-potential-of-a-versatile-nitro-compound-introduction>https://cabinet-dentaire-djerba.com/nitroethane-unlocking-the-chemical-potential-of-a-versatile-nitro-compound-introduction</a> solid transparent, oily liquid with solid mild, fruity odor. Boiling Point: Nitroethane has a boiling point of 237°F besides the decision freezing point of -130°F. Solubility and Vapor Pressure: It is slightly soluble in water besides owns a vapor pressure of 21 mmHg at 77°F. Explosive Limits: Nitroethane has specific upper besides lower explosive boundaries, producing it the decision flammable liquid.

Environmental besides Regulatory Aspects

Release in order the Environment: Nitroethane's production besides apply as all solvent, artificial fingernail glue remover, besides chemical intermediate may result in its release in order the surroundings through different waste streams. Regulatory Status: In the United States, nitroethane is classified as all DEA List I chemical, producing it not easy for individuals in order to acquisition due to its link with drug precursor activities.

1 | | 2024-05-01 09:55 | reply

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  • 最終更新: 2013-04-09 14:47
  • by Decomo